Sunday, April 1, 2012

College Station 5K

What an amazing time we had in College Station! Kris, Sara and I got ourselves into all kinds of trouble and had a great time relaxing with girl time. :-) I seriously hope we make an annual pilgrimage to C-town for the Rock the Casa 5K. What an amazing time!

The race itself wandered through a neighborhood beside the sorority row. Every now and then, cars would be heading towards us, but the cops did a good job of keeping us safe. The most notable thing about the 5K was the enthusiasm of the group putting it on. The Theta girls (and I'm assuming their boyfriends) lined the roads with signs, ran with speaker-backpacks playing good music, and cheered like crazy for their runners. There was never an opportunity to contemplate not finishing, because there was always someone there screaming for you. Seriously a great event I'd like to repeat. And that being said, I PR'ed!!!!! :-) My time on this run was 34:14!! That is 10 MINUTES and 20 seconds off my previous run. Holy moly!! I know there is still a lot of room for improvement, but I am pretty damn happy with those results. :-) Hoping the Yuri's Night 5K coming up this Saturday will be just as awesome. :-)