Monday, October 31, 2011

Hoppy Halloween!

Yesterday was less than ideal as far as my journey goes. I had a bacon and beer hangover that would not quit. I did nothing besides sit on the couch and watch the Law and Order SVU marathon. I refuse to feel too guilty about it though.It was a wasted day, but that's going to happen occasionally. Need to limit it to no more than one day a week though. Today is a new day and the beginning of a new week. Time to focus on what comes next.

I was a little worried this morning about when to get in my workout. I figure the Trick or Treaters will start ringing the bell around 6:30-7 tonight. Hubby isn't really the passing out candy sort of guy. So I need a fairly quick exercise routine with lots of impact. I'm thinking 30 hard minutes on the elliptical machine and 150 jumping jacks. I read something on Pinterest the other day that said if you do 1,000 jumping jacks, you've burned a pound of fat. Well, 1,000 jumping jacks in one fell swoop is not happenin'. I figure I can do 150 a day though. By the end of the week, that should be a pound gone.Even if I need to break that up into smaller sections. At least it's getting done.

 Another goal I have for the week: working to potty. LOL!! I am trying to get my water intake up to at least 80 ounces a day. That means frequent potty trips.My desk at work is on the fourth floor of my building. I figure every time nature calls, I will take the stairs to the first level and climb my way back to the ladies room. Again, not a whole lot of effort in each "set," but I figure 3 flights of stairs once an hour is a whole lot better than merely walking the 100 feet to the bathroom.

Hope everyone has a happy Monday, a great week and a fabulous Halloween!

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