Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hello Weight Watchers My Old Friend, I've Come to Talk With You Again

"...because a vision softly creeping, left it's seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains, within the vision of obesity."

I can't tell you how sacrilegious it felt typing a parody of such a classic song. LOL! So, as you may have guessed by the title, I am back on Weight Watchers. I'm not even going to try to remember how many times I've tried before now. I'm going to just devote a little bit of myself for trying to make this the last time.

I apparently have like hobby-ADD. As soon as I start focusing on one interest, all other interests go flying out the window. I'm pretty cyclical though, so I always end up coming back around to them. I'm going to do my best (with this blog's help) to stop that pattern though. Surely I can focus time and energy on more than one thing? I know it's a little late in the year, but today I wrote up a list of goals for 2013. It includes sections for Health, Faith, Career and Finances.

my weight is a pretty obvious one here
blood pressure

I don't really run around announcing this (the world is a cranky, cranky place just looking to pick fights), but I'm a Pagan. Truly a Tree Hugging Dirt Worshiper. I think that because my faith is something I try to keep close to the vest, I don't spend nearly enough time participating in it. Even if it means coming out of the "broom closet," I want to be more in tune with my spirituality. So, to that end, I've been trying to make a point of celebrating the Esbats and Sabbats this year. I've also been trying to make myself meditate (I can't tell you how challenging this is for me), and I've been mostly failing at doing daily devotions.

I have hated my job almost as long as I've had it (ten years next week). It's time to put up or shut up when it comes to career unhappiness. I can stay where I'm at as long as they'll have me (we're constantly under threat of layoff) and make a pretty penny with decent benefits. Or I can figure out what the hell I want to be when I grow up and take a leap of faith (in myself, not so much a religious leap of faith) and venture into unknown territory. I think about this daily. I need to stop thinking and start acting. Unless I'm thinking while running, then I can accomplish Health and Career objectives in one go! ;-)

As part of any career leaps of faith, I need to get as debt-free as possible. Especially when I'm under constant threat of layoffs! I need to get my credit card and student loans paid off. I seriously have less than $10k of debt left (not counting our outrageous mortgage). I just need to finish it off.

Okay, so it felt good putting it all in writing. Now if I lose my piece of paper, my goals will live on in internet infamy. :-)

So - tracking! I created a new Weight Watchers profile Sunday night at 11 (LOL), so my new tracking date is Sunday. Obviously I did not track food and/or beverages I consumed Sunday. But I have been tracking every bite and sip since! So far so good. Let's do it for real this time, shall we?

Goal: 130
Current: 172

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